DRILLBITS – December 2018
In This Edition
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Senate Passage of Ballast Water Discharge Regulation a Positive for Offshore Drilling Contractors
In response to the Senate’s passage on 14 November of the Coast Guard Authorization Act, which includes legislation on ballast water discharge, IADC President Jason McFarland issued the following statement:
“We have long advocated for sensible, uniform regulation when it comes to ballast water discharge. IADC members with offshore operations own and operate maritime vessels that are subject to the current maze of conflicting regulation which is administered under two Federal agencies and exists alongside multiple state rules. The result of this patchwork of overlapping regulation is costly and inefficient, and causes unnecessary confusion when it comes to compliance. Today’s passage of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) is a step in the right direction, and will create a uniform ballast discharge standard that will ultimately better protect the nation’s waterways and foster efficient and cost-effective maritime commerce.”
DRILLERSPAC – Political Action Committee (PAC) of IADC
In the midterm elections, the IADC DRILLERSPAC supported 14 candidates in Senate and Congressional races, with 13 of those winning their races, a 93% success rate. The next election cycle includes key races in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Mississippi and Alaska, among others, and IADC will again be supporting candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to supporting energy and the drilling industry.
The DRILLERSPAC was sanctioned by IADC’s Board of Directors to further IADC’s goal of advocacy engagement with federally elected Members of Congress. DRILLERSPAC is not affiliated with any political party. It is organized and conducted on a voluntary, non-partisan basis. DRILLERSPAC is overseen by the PAC Board of Trustees, which is comprised of 10 members – three from offshore companies, three from onshore companies, two from drilling services companies and two IADC employees. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Craddock at Elizabeth.craddock@iadc.org
Washington D.C. Updates
In January of 2019, a new Congress (House and Senate) will begin.
The November elections resulted in the Democrats gaining control of the U.S. House in 2019. In the current lame-duck session, the House is focused on finishing the appropriations, or spending bills, which may or may not include funding for President Trump’s border wall. Other items they are working to wrap up by the end of this Congress include the Farm Bill and a package of Veterans’ benefits to address delayed VA educational payments, electronic health records and more.
The Senate will remain in Republican control with the Rs picking up two seats for the next Congress making it a 53-47 majority. Since the election, the Senate has continued to confirm various Trump nominations across the Federal government. They also passed the Coast Guard Reauthorization Act and sent it to the House, who also voted in favor of the legislation, and it has been signed into law by the President. The Senate will wait for House action on the appropriations bills before taking action and then sending to the President to avert a government shutdown.
White House:
The Federal government was closed on Wednesday, Dec. 5, in honor of the late President George H.W. Bush. In other news, the President traveled to Argentina for the G-20 summit where trade remained a top-priority. The President signed the new NAFTA agreement – USMCA – along with the Mexican President and Canadian Prime Minister. The President also held a bi-lateral meeting with his Chinese counterpart to make headway on the trade disputes between the two countries.
Kevin Neveu Elected as 2019 IADC Chairman
The IADC Board of Directors has elected Kevin Neveu, President and CEO of Precision Drilling, as its 2019 Chairman. Julie Robertson, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Noble Corp, was elected as Vice Chair.
For the IADC Division posts, Roddie Mackenzie, Senior VP of Marketing, Innovation and Industry Relations for Transocean, will serve as VP of the Offshore Division. Scott McKee, VP Marketing for Cactus Drilling Co, was elected as VP of the North America Onshore Division. Lee Womble, VP Sales-Drilling Systems with Cameron, a Schlumberger company, was reelected as VP of the Drilling Services Division.
In addition, Scott McReaken, CEO and Director of Sevan Drilling, will continue to serve as IADC Secretary/Treasurer.
Mr Neveu has 37 years of experience in the oilfield services sector, holding various technical, marketing, management positions over his career. Previously, he was President of the Rig Solutions Group of National Oilwell Varco and held senior management positions with it and its predecessor companies in London, Moscow, Houston, Edmonton and Calgary.
Mr Neveu is currently an Advisor for the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy and the Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee for the International Association of Drilling Contractors. He is a former Board member of Finning International, Bonanza Creek Energy and Rig Net. He is also a former member of the Advisory Board for The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta and Waterski Wakeboard Canada.
Mr Neveu holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and is a graduate of University of Alberta. He is also a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Alberta and has completed the Harvard Advanced Management Program in Boston, Mass.
Ms Robertson was named Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Noble in January 2018. Previously, she served as Executive Vice President of the company from February 2006 and as Senior Vice President – Administration from July 2001 to February 2006. Ms Robertson also served continuously as Corporate Secretary of Noble since December 1993 until assuming the Chairman’s role in 2018. She also served as Vice President – Administration of Noble Drilling from 1996 to July 2001.
In 1994, Ms Robertson became Vice President – Administration of Noble Drilling Services. From 1989 to 1994, she served consecutively as Manager of Benefits and Director of Human Resources for Noble Drilling Services. Prior to 1989, Ms Robertson served consecutively in the positions of Risk and Benefits Manager and Marketing Services Coordinator for a predecessor subsidiary of Noble, beginning in 1979. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and attended the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard School of Business.
Trent Latshaw Named IADC Drilling Contractor of the Year
IADC presented its Contractor of the Year Award to Trent Latshaw, President of Latshaw Drilling Co., during the IADC Annual General Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana in early November.
The award is presented annually to recognize an individual drilling contractor’s outstanding lifetime achievements in technical innovation, safety and economic efficiency within the drilling industry. Sponsored by National Oilwell Varco, the award is the only one in the industry reserved solely for drilling contractors. All recipients are nominated and selected by IADC drilling contractor members.
Mr. Latshaw graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering and began his career with Parker Drilling in Alaska before joining ARCO Alaska (Atlantic Richfield). He established Latshaw Drilling Company in 1982 at the age of 27 and the company is now the second-largest privately owned drilling contractor in the United States.
Mr. Latshaw has previously served as Chairman of the IADC Houston Chapter and currently serves on the IADC North America Onshore Advisory Panel and the IADC Executive Committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Tulsa Air and Space Museum.

Trent Latshaw accepts the 2018 Drilling Contractor of the Year Award during the IADC Annual General Meeting in November.
Houmb, Karle Receive IADC Exemplary Service Awards
IADC recognized two individuals with Exemplary Service Awards at the 2018 IADC Annual General Meeting on 8 November in New Orleans: Siv Hilde Houmb, Founder and CTO of Secure-NOK; and Arun Karle, Founder of Askara Group.
Ms Houmb has chaired the IADC Cybersecurity Committee since the group was initially formed as a simple workgroup under the Drilling Control Systems Subcommittee of the IADC Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee, and later as it evolved into its own ART subcommittee. She currently serves as Chair of the committee, along with Co-Chairs Juan Negrete, Rowan Companies; and Ben Ramduny, Seadrill.
She has more than 20 years of experience with cybersecurity and has published more than 100 scientific and industrial-focused papers on various topics related to engineering systems to be cyber-resilient. In addition, Ms Houmb serves as Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and has been active in ISA99 and IEC 62443 standardization work. Outside of the oil and gas industry, Ms Houmb has been active with cybersecurity in the nuclear, power grid and aviation industries.
Mr Karle began his relationship with IADC in 1993, when he met with then-IADC President Dr Lee Hunt in India to set plans for IADC’s role in the country. The IADC South Central Asia Chapter was kicked off in 1998, with Mr Karle as a founding member. Since then, Mr Karle has been an IADC ambassador, helping to serve both IADC and its members.
Mr Karle founded Askara Group in March 1992. The firm provides business and technical consulting to more than 30 international companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from Mumbai University and later obtained a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Lamar University in Texas.

IADC President Jason McFarland (left) presented an Exemplary Service Award to Arun Karle on 8 November at the 2018 IADC Annual General Meeting in New Orleans, in recognition of his extended service to IADC and its members over the past decades.

Siv Hilde Houmb received an Exemplary Service Award from IADC President Jason McFarland on 8 November at the 2018 IADC Annual General Meeting in New Orleans.
Well Control Institute Elects New Board Members
During the Well Control Institute (WCI) board meeting in early November, two new members of the Board were named. Mike Nuss, Executive VP – US & Latin America Operations for Ensign Energy will serve as a drilling contractor representative on the WCI Board. Jim Taylor, Vice President Consulting & Project Management for Halliburton, will serve as a service company representative on the WCI Board.
The Well Control Institute encourages safe control well practices and well bore integrity through collaborative consideration toward advancing competency, processes, technology and best practices.
More information about the WCI can be found here.
IADC Presents at OSHA Conference Oil & Gas Safety and Health Conference
On 4-5 December, IADC staff were invited presenters at the OSHA Oil & Gas Safety and Health Conference in Houston. Mark Denkowski, IADC Vice President Accreditation Operations presented, “Advances in Well Control Training: A Leap Forward in Content, Retention, and Data-Driven Analysis”. He talked about IADC’s goal to create a system that will provide the tools necessary to ensure that personnel with well control responsibilities retain and enhance the knowledge necessary to maintain well control, in order to offer tools and content to mitigate knowledge decay and new content that will support continuous learning.
IADC’s Brooke Polk, Director, Program Development & Technology, presentation, “Addressing CRM Through Safety-Related Training and Industry Collaboration” focused on how industry is collaboratively developing WellSharp Plus, which is a position-specific team and scenario-based well control course that integrates nontechnical and technical knowledge and skills needed in complex well control situations. She also discussed the best ways to equip well control instructors to deliver this type of training.
For more information about the presentations, please contact Mark Denkowski at Mark.Denkowski@iadc.org or Brooke Polk at Brooke.Polk@iadc.org.
Student Chapter Members Attend IADC Annual General Meeting

13 students representing 4 IADC Student Chapters were invited to attend the IADC Annual General Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana from 8-9 November. Students in attendance represented chapters at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Texas A&M University and the University of Wyoming.
Court Orders Moratorium on Offshore Hydraulic Fracturing off California
In November, a federal court ordered the Trump Administration to stop issuing permits for offshore hydraulic fracturing in federal waters off the California coast. The judge in the case ruled that the federal government did not comply with the Endangered Species Act and the Coast Zone Management Act when it allowed the activity in all leased federal waters offshore California. The ruling requires federal agencies issuing underwater drilling permits to consult with both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Coastal Commission before any permits are approved.
C-NLOPB Releases Results of 2018 Calls for Bids
On 7 November, the Canada-Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) released the results of its 2018 Call for Bids. The results comprise bid calls for Exploration Licenses in the areas of the Eastern Newfoundland and Jeanne d’Arc regions. The production license big call issued for the Jeanne d’Arc region resulted in no bids received. Cumulative receipts for this most recent round of bids totaled $1,386,273,936.
Specific parcel results can be found on the C-NLOPB website.
EPA to Assess “Ambient Air” Definition
In a bid to speed approval of industry permits, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revisiting its regulatory definition of “ambient air”, which is currently defined as “that portion of the atmosphere, to which the general public has access.” Ambient air exempts outdoor areas over land that’s owned or controlled by a pollution source, to which “public access is precluded by a fence or other physical barriers,” under an interpretation dating back to 1980.
In newly released draft guidance, the EPA cites unspecified stakeholders who argue that this interpretation is overly restrictive for the purposes of carrying out air quality analyses needed when applying for Prevention of Significant Deterioration permits under the Clean Air Act’s New Source Review program. EPA wants to replace “a fence or other physical barriers” with a more expansive rendering: “measures, which may include physical barriers, that are effective in deterring or precluding access to the land by the general public.” Awareness of this issue is primarily oriented toward land-based considerations at present. However, a 2012 PSD permit allowed the use of a Coast Guard safety zone as the basis for exempting an ambient air designation for proposed drillship activity in the Arctic. These developments may be precursors to addressing offshore considerations.
To access the Draft Guidance, please click here.
Maritime Cybersecurity Survey Indicates U.S. Maritime is Not Prepared for Cyber Attacks
In late October, Jones Walker LLP released its finding of its inaugural Maritime Cybersecurity Survey. Survey findings include results that indicate that the U.S. maritime industry is being targeted; a false sense of preparedness exists within the U.S. maritime industry; small and mid-sized companies are far less prepared than larger organizations to respond to a security breach and small and mid-size companies lack fundamental protections that leave open the possibility for significant potential loss.
More information about the survey can be found on the Jones Walker LLP website.
U.S. Coast Guard Issues Work Instruction on Enforcement of Engine Operation in Emission Control Areas
The Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance recently released Work Instruction CVC-WI-014(1), “Exercise of Enforcement Discretion with Regard to MARPOL Annex VI Regulation” to outline how the Coast Guard will enforce MARPOL Annex VI Regulation due to the unavailability of engines needed to comply with this regulation. In lieu of meeting MARPOL Annex VI Teir III performance standards, engines covered by this guidance may instead by certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as meeting Clean Air Act Tier 3 requirements under 40 CFR part 1042. Engines certified to meet Clean Air Act Tier 3 requirements are available and will be accepted in the short term. Thus, EPA certification to Clean Air Act Tier 3 standards will be required to quality under this Work Instruction for U.S.-flagged and foreign-flagged vessels.
More details can be found on the U.S. Coast Guard website.
IADC Membership Survey
In an effort to ensure that IADC is providing a high level of value to its Members and the industry, the Association has put together a satisfaction survey to solicit feedback. The survey takes approximately 6-8 minutes to complete and participation in the survey gives IADC valuable information.
To take the IADC Membership Survey, please click here.
IADC Headquarters Has Relocated
IADC has moved! The IADC Houston office opened the doors to its new headquarters on 2 July, 2018.
The new IADC headquarters is located at 3657 Briarpark Drive, a mere half a mile from the old building. It offers a brand new, custom-designed office space, and modern meeting facilities that offer significant value to IADC’s members.
IADC WellSharp Well Servicing Accreditation
IADC recently launched the new WellSharp Well Servicing Accreditation which replaces the old WellCAP well servicing courses. The new accreditation offers four standalone course options, which include coiled tubing; snubbing; wireline and workover. It also introduces two new courses, which include Subsea Supplement and Oil and Gas Operator Representative Workover & Intervention Well Control.
The first WellSharp track, for drilling operations, was launched in 2015. It was the result of an industry-led effort to improve well control training and assessment. Compared with WellCAP, the curriculum puts greater emphasis on risk awareness and assessment.
For more information about converting to the new WellSharp Well Servicing Accreditation, please contact IADC’s Accreditation Department.
ART DCS Subcommittee Announces Meeting Dates, to Develop Guidelines for Sensors, Machine Safety
Rig-sensor stewardship and machine safety are on the horizon for the IADC Drilling Control Systems Subcommittee.
DCS Chairman Nathan Moralez, BP, said that sensor stewardship is targeted at Data Producers, rather than Data Owners.DCS Co-chair Robert van Kuilenburg has already developed preliminary work. As Mr Moralez envisions it, the DCS would work toward improved maintenance of sensors.
Another project is development of a guideline outlining minimum safety features for drilling rigs. As envisioned, this guideline would make recommendations on safety features that should be employed in a drilling control system to enhance safe operation of a rig. A document setting forth some key elements that the proposed guideline should address can be accessed here.
During 2019, the DCS SC will meet on the second Thursday of each month. The complete schedule of DCS meeting dates is available here .
The DCS Subcommittee operates under the auspices of the IADC Advanced Rig Technology Committee.
For information on the IADC ART DCS Subcommittee, contact Mike Killalea (mike.killalea@iadc.org, +1 713 292 1956) or Linda Hsieh (linda.hsieh@iadc.org, +1 713 292 1966).
DDR Plus Draft Code Definitions Available for Review
The IADC Drilling Control Systems Subcommittee has developed draft definitions for most of the 35 main codes associated with the IADC Daily Drilling Report. The definitions precisely establish start and stop conditions for each operation. This granularity is considered important for future automated operations. The DCS Subcommittee operates under the auspices of the IADC Advanced Rig Technology Committee. DCS Chair is Nathan Moralez, BP, and Co-chair is Robert van Kuilenburg, Noble Corp.
DDR Plus, the revised IADC rig-reporting schema, retains its original 23 codes, and adds 12 more, along with several blanks reserved for future use.
The DCS Committee plans to finalize the definitions at its 13 December meeting. To register for that meeting, click here . This meeting, at IADC HQ in Houston, will run from 09.00-12.30 to ensure sufficient time. Because lunch will be provided, please pre-register if attending.
During its 15 November meeting, the DCS Committee finalized definitions for the first five codes. The list is available here .
Please send any comments on the draft definitions to John de Wardt, DE WARDT & CO (john@dewardt.com), and Vinay Kakuru, Armos Ark (kakuruvinay@gmail.com).
The group agreed that the next meeting, on 13 December, will wholly focus on the definitions, and will run through lunch (0900-1300). IADC will provide lunch so it is very important to register in advance.
To review the complete matrix of codes, subcodes, and sub-subcodes, click here.
For information on the IADC ART DCS Subcommittee, contact Mike Killalea (mike.killalea@iadc.org, +1 713 292 1956) or Linda Hsieh (linda.hsieh@iadc.org, +1 713 292 1966).
Register Now to Attend the 12 December Spark Tank
The IADC Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee will host the next Spark Tank meeting on 12 December at IADC’s Houston headquarters from 8:30- 11:30 a.m. The IADC ART Spark Tank provides an opportunity for technology entrepreneurs to pitch their products and ideas (“sparks”) to a panel of drilling contractors and operators (“Sharks”). The purpose is to provide insights to technology developers on what matters to those they are innovating for. Only Sharks will ask questions of the presenters. Audience members are welcome to chat with presenters during the break and following adjournment.
Sharks for the 12 December meeting include: Doug Zimpfer, Team Lead Process Safety Technology, Shell; Rob Shank, Sr. Director Global Drilling Operational Excellence, Parker Drilling; Terry Loftis, Managing Director, Loftis Offshore-Oilfield Consulting and Robin Macmillan, Sr. Vice President, NOV, ART Chair (moderator).
The full schedule for the meeting can be found on the ART Committee website.
Cybersecurity Committee to Host Workshop on 13 December
Cyberattacks have the potential to devastate entire companies, thus, cybersecurity has quickly become a major corporate concern. IADC has actively pursued the development of cybersecurity solutions and guidelines as they relate to drilling assets for nearly five years. The Association has focused on developing best practices based on existing standards to assist drilling companies as they build cybersecurity into industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) systems across the industry value chain.
The Committee will host a workshop on 13 December from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at BP’s office in Houston. The workshop is intended to serve as a forum for drillers, operators, and the service sector to discuss potential cyber-attack on both land and offshore drilling assets, and to discuss how to protect, detect and respond to the cyber-attacks. The workshop will be organized as a red team and blue team interactive exercise where participants will be divided into groups to collaborate on: (1) tabletop execution of cyber-attacks (act as the attacker) and (2) develop response actions (act as the responder). Some of the groups will focus on land rigs, while other groups will focus on offshore rigs.
Please make your reservation for this one-day workshop today as seating is limited – first-come, first-served. To register, please click here.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Siv Hilde Houmb at sivhoumb@securenok.com or Melissa Mejias at melissa.mejias@iadc.org.
DrillPad Strives to Help Build Well Control Proficiency
IADC’s Useful Resources web page offers a link to materials designed to help build and assure individual and crew well control competency and proficiency anywhere in the world. The DrillPad Deployment Well Control Drill Trainer Training Template and the companion DrillGuide Example are freely available from the www.iadc.org/useful-resources.
“IADC is pleased to offer these DrillPad resources through our website, and believes that this will be a positive step for the industry,” remarked IADC President Jason McFarland. “IADC has long pioneered and worked to develop industry best practice for training in well control, and DrillPad neatly dovetails with our mission of ensuring safe rigs worldwide.”
The PowerPoint file DrillPad Trainer Training is offered to assist trainers in developing an effective program of well control drills. It includes keys to effective drills, critical skill sets, grading criteria, common pitfalls, and more.
The PDF Well Control Drill Guide provides lists of drills, questions, and attributes within DrillPad. The guide is meant to be used in conjunction with rig-specific well control procedures to conduct and assess performance during well control drills. The objective is to ensure that all members of the rig team with well control responsibilities are aware of their specific responsibilities, possess an understanding of well control commensurate with those responsibilities, and can confidently execute their duties when required.
Each well control drill details the drill type, potential participants, exercises, caution guidance, assessment guidance, questions, skills assessed, and more.
DROPS RP and Gap Analysis Tool Available from IADC
The Useful Resources page on www.iadc.org provides a link to a Recommended Practice to prevent and mitigate dropped objects in oil and gas operations. Dropped objects are a critical safety issue in numerous industries. This Recommended Practice, developed by the DROPS network, intends to set basic requirements for dropped object prevention that can be incorporated into existing companies’ Safety Management Systems (SMS). DROPS is an industry-wide oil-and-gas initiative whose mission is to prevent dropped objects by providing supporting engagement and learning materials, as well as setting industry-recognized best practices. The link also provides access to the DROPS RP Gap Analysis Tool, an Excel spreadsheet.
“Improving industry HSE and training is a major IADC mission,” said IADC President Jason McFarland. “As such, helping industry cut the incidents of dropped objects is important to our members and their employees. We hope that helping our members easily access this DROPS RP
According to DROPS, the RP sets out minimum recommended practices that support the prevention of dropped objects and the development of policies and procedures for company SMSs. DROPS notes that the RP is not intended to be considered the finalized requirements of a company Dropped Object Prevention Scheme (Scheme).
The link to the DROPS RP and Gap Analysis Tool is at www.iadc.org/useful-resources.
IADC ISP Plaques Showcase Company Safety Record
Safety should not be competitive in the drilling industry, but bragging rights always are!
You have worked hard to build an impressive safety record. Your employees pay close attention to ensure that they work safely.
Let your customers know about it. IADC ISP plaques are a stand-out way to ensure the world knows how successful your accident prevention program is.
IADC has two types of ISP plaques available. The Executive Grade: Bronze-tone safety excellence medallion on a red velvet background with gold engraved text on a raised bronze-tone plate. Supreme Grade: Laser engraved text with company name, rig name or number and IADC logo in raised gold lettering. Both plaques include company name, rig name or number with the numbers of years without a Lost time or recordable incident.
IADC acknowledges the rigs in the monthly DrillBits newsletter.
Get extra plaques for the office, rig, and your top employees. Fire those guys up with a well-deserved pat on the back.
IADC ISP plaques are only available to companies participating in the IADC ISP program, the industry’s definitive safety statistics program since 1961.
For more information on ordering plaque please contact Loretta Krolczyk at loretta.krolczyk@iadc.org.
To participate in ISP, please email isp@iadc.org
New Drilling Matters Module Encourages Careers in Oil and Gas
The latest DrillingMatters.org video module encourages young people to seek careers in oil and gas, and includes interviews from two young professionals. The video is titled “Live an Adventure: Make Your Career in Oil and Gas.”
Theresa Baumgartner, Shell, and Stephanie Mertz Farrar, Phoenix Energy Services, graciously shared their thoughts and experiences on the value, excitement, and opportunity to make big changes in their jobs.
Ms. Farrar noted that she knew little about oil and gas when she graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida. “When you graduate with a mechanical engineering degree, there are a lot of different areas you could go into,” she said. Ms. Farrar chose oil and gas after receiving an offer for an international assignment with significant perks. “I jumped right on that bandwagon and I worked in Norway for 3 years after that,” she said.
Ms Baumgartner was attracted by the multinational nature of the industry, and the romance of drilling.
“You see all these pictures about drilling rigs in the desert and offshore platforms and that is very interesting and intriguing, especially for young people,” she says in the video. “From my perspective, I can say it is very international, I have worked with multiple research groups and different companies and usually those are only 10% Americans and the rest is internationals, Europeans, Chinese, Indian from all over the world that try to solve probably the hardest problems.”
The video module points out that nearly 1.9 million direct job opportunities are forecast through 2035, with significant inroads for diversity by gender and ethnicity.
Oil and gas is a global industry with nearly boundless and diverse career options. In it, you can find careers where you will travel, work in an office or in the field; in the lab, engineering, sales, management, IT, cybersecurity, and more.
No matter where your interests lie, oil and gas can take you there.
Watch the video at http://drillingmatters.iadc.org/live-an-adventure-make-your-career-in-oil-and-gas/
Drilling Contractor Media Kit Now Available
Learn what topics IADC’s official media will cover during 2019 from the recently released Drilling Contractor media kit.
DC’s media kit lists the major topics for each of the magazine’s six issues during the year, as well as broadcast dates of our eletter eNews from DrillingContractor.org. In addition, the media kit contains detailed information about our media’s mission, advertising opportunities, and much more.
For more information about Drilling Contractor and IADC media kit, contact Linda Hsieh (linda.hsieh@iadc.org, +1 713 292 1966) or Bill Krull (bill.krull@iadc.org, + 1 713 292 1954).
IADC Lexicon Featured Term for December 2018
The IADC Lexicon (IADCLexicon.org) is a compendium of upstream-related terms, which, unlike conventional glossaries, are official definitions drawn from legislation, regulation and regulatory guidance, standards (global, national and regional), and IADC guidelines. Terms often have multiple definitions from different sources.
This month’s Featured Term is:
“System Rated Working Pressure” (Source: API SPEC 16D, Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, July 2004. Global Standards) :
The maximum design pressure at which control fluid is stored in the accumulator assembly.
(click the link to read the full definition on the IADC Lexicon.)
Accreditation Updates
Safety Alerts
For the latest safety alerts, visit www.iadc.org/safety-alerts
Alert 18-02: Fatality – Struck by/Caught Between Pipe Handling Catwalk Machine
Upcoming Events
Rigs Receive ISP Certificates
For certificates received since last LTI (in years):
New IADC Members
IADC welcomes 17 new members:
DRILLBITS Volume 28, Number 12
Steve Brady, Chairman • Jason McFarland, President • Amy Rose, Editor
All listed phone extensions are for IADC’s Houston headquarters,
+1/713-292-1945. Fax +1/713-292-1946.
Send comments/questions to Amy Rose at amy.rose@iadc.org.
To subscribe to Drill Bits, go to www.iadc.org/drillbits.
To change/cancel a Drill Bits subscription, send an e-mail message to
IADC Director – Membership Sharon Thorpe at sharon.thorpe@iadc.org.