DRILLBITS – April 2019
In This Edition
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Colorado Senate Passes Bill 181
On 3 April, the Colorado Senate Passed Bill 181, Protect Public Welfare Oil and Gas Operations, which concerns additional public welfare protections regarding the conduct of oil and gas operations. The bill prioritizes the protection of public safety, health, welfare and the environment in the regulation of the oil an gas industry by modifying the oil and gas statute and by clarifying, reinforcing and establishing local governments’ regulatory authority over the surface impacts of oil and gas development. The bill is now expected to be signed by Colorado Governor Polis.
According to a study by the Global Energy Management Program at the University of Colorado Denver, Business School, along with a summary released by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, the bill could possibly have an adverse impact on oil and gas activity in the state. The reasons for this are varied and include:
- the imposition of a statewide moratorium on permitting and drilling
- would remove technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness as factors that could be considered in regulatory and permitting decisions
- would give local governments the ability to create larger setbacks
- would give sweeping, subjective new powers to local government over the oil and natural gas process
- would remove experts in engineering and geology from the COGCC, the 9-member panel responsible for making oil and gas regulatory decisions in Colorado.
The full bill can be accessed at: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb19-181
For more information about how IADC is engaging on this topic, please contact Rhett Winter at Rhett.Winter@iadc.org.
U.S. Senate Bill S.828, Atlantic Seismic Airgun Protection Act Introduced
Senate Bill S.828, Atlantic Seismic Airgun Protection Act was introduced on 14 March. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), the bill’s chief sponsor, stated that the bill, “prevents fossil fuel related seismic testing and makes clear that the Atlantic is off limits to any type of offshore oil exploration.” The action comes after the introduction of a companion bill, H.R. 1606, which was introduced in the U.S. House earlier in March. Further details about the bill can be found here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/828
Federal Judge Blocks Arctic Drilling
On 31 March, a Federal judge in Alaska ruled that the Executive Order issued by President Trump in April 2017 that would have opened previously closed waters in the Arctic and Atlantic Coast to oil and gas drilling is unlawful.
President Obama put restrictions in place in 2015 and 2016 that banned Arctic drilling in roughly 125 million acres of the Arctic coastal shelf in Alaska. The new ruling affirms that President Trump’s Executive Order overstepped his authority, and that under Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, only Congress has the authority to reverse prior withdrawals. The ruling does not affect existing oil and gas leases in the Beaufort Sea. The ruling is expected to be appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Pass USMCA Coalition Welcomes New Members
On 2 April the Pass USMCA Coalition, an alliance advocating for swift passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, of which IADC is a member, added eight groups to its ranks: The Latino Coalition, the National Milk Producers Federation, the National Small Business Association, the Northwest Horticultural Council, Schneider Electric, the Software & Information Industry Association, the U.S. Dairy Export Council, and WineAmerica.
“It’s exciting to welcome so many new members,” said former Congressman Joe Crowley, honorary co-chairman of Pass USMCA. “The size and diversity of our membership demonstrates that the new trade pact with Mexico and Canada is widely supported.”
“Our coalition represents a broad range of viewpoints and interests,” said Rick Dearborn, Pass USMCA’s executive director. “There’s widespread recognition that USMCA builds on NAFTA’s successes and fixes its shortcomings. I’m thrilled that so many groups are committed to strengthening North American trade.”
“USMCA is a boon for U.S. workers,” said Gary Locke, honorary co-chairman of Pass USMCA. “Congress should ratify USMCA as soon as possible.”
Washington D.C. Updates
In March, the U.S. House passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, a resolution expressing the sense in Congress that the Robert Mueller report should be released to the public, among other bills and resolutions. In the House Natural Resources Committee, a hearing was conducted on examining the polices and priorities of BOEM and BSEE, along with another hearing on the budget priorities at the Department of Interior.
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee conducted a hearing to review the qualifications of David Bernhardt to become the next Secretary of the Interior. He currently serves as Deputy Secretary and was nominated for the top spot when former Secretary Zinke vacated the position. In addition, the full Senate voted on the New Green Deal climate resolution aimed at eliminating fossil fuels. The procedural vote on the measure, S.J. Res 8, failed 0-57 as most Democrats voted present to protest what they perceived to be a shame vote.
White House:
The 400-plus-page Mueller report was sent to the Attorney General. A federal judge in Alaska issued a ruling blocking a 2017 Trump Executive Order that would have repealed an Obama Administration move that created sanctuaries in Alaska and other places offshore restricting them from various activities, including drilling. President Donald Trump repeated his threat to close the southern border, saying that U.S. “detention areas are maxed out & we will take no more illegals,” at a time the U.S. has moved to cut aid to Central America. The President also issued a new permit for TransCanada Corp.’s controversial Keystone XL pipeline Friday, doubling down on his commitment to the project after a court ruling blocked his previous permit.
Human Performance in Well Control Workshop Held
A “Human Performance in Well Control Workshop” was recently coordinated by IADC in conjunction with the SPE/IADC 2019 International Drilling Conference in The Hague, Netherlands. About 50 human factors, well control and HSE professionals attended the invitational event.
The event featured sessions on the foundation principles of human performance, the importance of cross company collaboration, and applications and tools available to the industry. Presentations were made by Shell, BP, IADC, Chevron, KCA Deutag, Aramco Overseas, Maersk Drilling and Baker Hughes/GE.
In the interactive exercise which concluded the workshop, participants were asked to list and then rank their ideas for improving human performance at individual, company, and industry levels. Almost half of the workshop attendees identified a pressing need for a single, overall standard document focused on human performance. Such a document would include definitions, awareness, training, requirements, tools for investigation, workload, and design with a view to reducing human error in industry and sufficient oversight
Other suggestions included funding and resources an industry organization focused on human performance in addition to following efforts already underway by major operators, IADC and IOGP. Members of the organizing committee are continuing to meeting to discuss how to best follow up to the workshop.
The event was sponsored by BP, Shell, Total and Baker Hughes/GE. The workshop had originally been proposed by Shell during the June 2018 Board meeting of the Well Control Institute, an organization focusing on well control under the auspices of IADC.
For more information, contact Steve Kropla at Steve.Kropla@iadc.org.
U.S. Department of Labor Proposes Rule to Amend and Update the Fair Labor Standards Act
In late March, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a proposed rule to amend and update their regular rate requirement under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The FLSA generally requires overtime pay of at least one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for hours worked in excess of a 40 hour workweek. Regular rate requirements define what forms of payment employers include and exclude in the “time and one-half” calculation when determining workers’ overtime rates.
The proposed rule focuses primarily on clarifying whether certain kinds of perks, benefits, or other miscellaneous items must be included in the regular rate. Because these regulations have not been updated in decades, the proposal would better define the regular rate for today’s workplace practices.
The Department proposal includes clarifications to the regulations to confirm that employers may exclude the following from an employer’s regular rate of pay:
- The cost of providing wellness programs, onsite specialist treatment, gym access and fitness classes and employee discounts on retail goods and services;
- Payments for unused paid leave, including sick leave;
- Reimbursed expenses, even if not included “solely” for the employer’s benefit;
- Reimbursed travel expenses that do not exceed the maximum travel reimbursement permitted under the Federal Travel Regulation System regulations and that satisfy other regulatory requirements;
- Discretionary bonuses;
- Benefit plans, including accident, unemployment and legal services;
- Tuition programs, such as reimbursement programs or repayment of educational debt.
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was included in the 29 March, 2019 Federal Register, interested parties may submit comments on the proposal at www.regulations.gov in the rulemaking docket RIN 1235-AA24. The deadline to do so is May 28, 2019.
For more information, please contact Rhett Winter at Rhett.Winter@iadc.org.
U.S. Department of Interior Announces Changes to Sage-Grouse Bird Protections
On 15 March, Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued Records of Decision (RODs) amending land use plans for Greater Sage-Grouse habitat management on public lands, providing special protection measures for nearly 60 million acres. The decisions received bipartisan support from the governors who sought revisions to the plans that guide conservation of sagebrush steppe habitat on BLM-administered public lands in their respective states. The goal was to better align BLM plans for managing habitat with state plans for conserving the species.
The decisions affect resource management plans for BLM-administered public lands in seven Western states, where the BLM manages habitat and states manage wildlife species. The plans build on those put into place in 2015. In 2017, the BLM began scoping for the new plans asking whether “some, none or all” of the 2015 sage-grouse plans should be amended. The planning effort that concludes with the March decision began in 2017 when governors of most of the affected sage-grouse states asked the BLM to revisit existing plans for managing sage-grouse habitat and adapt them to better meet the needs of individual states. In response, the BLM proposed changes developed in collaboration with governors and state wildlife agency professionals in the seven affected states, as well as other concerned organizations and individuals, largely through the Western Governors Association’s Sage-Grouse Task Force.
More information can be found at the BLM website.
New Oil Conservation Division Director Named in New Mexico State
In late March, the State of New Mexico’s Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department announced that Adrienne Sandoval would lead the Oil Conservation Division for the state. The Division regulates oil and gas activities in New Mexico.
Ms. Sandoval has deep industry experience and has spent the last several years in Marathon Petroleum’s Denver office working on federal regulatory affairs and legislative matters. Sandoval also worked in the field for the Williams Companies in Tulsa, OK,among other positions. She holds a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Tulsa. “The oil boom in the Permian Basin has put a strain on regulatory oversite. One of my first priorities is focusing on supporting and building a staff of qualified, motivated people,” said Adrienne Sandoval. “I’m also excited for the opportunity to lead as we develop robust methane rules and a process for imposing new fees as a result of new legislation.”
Wyoming Holds Oil and Gas Lease Sale
The Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments held the first oil and gas lease auction for 2019 on 19 March. The auction resulted in 173 of the 206 offered parcels receiving successful bids to lease 54,096 acres. The auction grossed $4,535,748.08 for the benefit of the State’s trust beneficiaries.
Revenue generated from the auction will be distributed to support public education, the farm loan program, state penitentiaries, and other State funded programs. All leases resulting from winning bids will be issued on the lease form currently in effect as approved by the Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners as Lessor: for a primary term of five years, rental of $1.00 per acre and a royalty rate of either 16 2/3% or 12 ½% of the production as indicated on the pacel listing.
More information can be found on Wyoming’s Office of State Lands and Investments website.
IOGP-IPIECA Report 626 – Managing Fatigue in the Workplace Now Available
IOGP recently announced the publication of the IOGP-IPIECA Report 626 – Managing Fatigue in the Workplace. IOGP-IPIECA have previously developed four publications to assist the oil and gas industry in managing fatigue. This publication supersedes the preceding documents by bringing together and updating all the elements of the previous publications, which include Report 392 – Fatigue Management in the Workplace; Report 488 – Performance Indicators for Fatigue Risk Management Systems; Report 492 – Assessing Risks from Operator Fatigue and Report 536 – Fatigue Fly-in, Fly-Out Operations. The new report is now one resource to help organizations to implement, monitor and manage fatigue risk management systems.
Report 626 comes with three supplementary documents and file packages which expand upon and provide implementation tools for the main report.
To access all of the materials and to download, please visit the IOGP website.
Mike Killalea Retires from IADC
After 28 years with IADC, Mike Killalea retired from IADC in March, leaving a legacy of mentorship and innovation. Mr. Killalea joined the association in 1991 as Associate Editor of Drilling Contractor magazine and retired as Group Vice President and Editor/Publisher.
Throughout his career with IADC, Mr Killalea was instrumental in the establishment of the IADC ART Committee, and the IADC World Drilling Conference and he assisted in the development of the first electronic version of the IADC Drilling Manual and oversaw the 12th edition of the same. Under his direction, 167 issues of Drilling Contractor magazine have been published and he launched the Drill Bits newsletter and eNews from drillingcontractor.org, establishing IADC as a leader in video and multimedia content for the drilling industry.
“One of his greatest strengths is getting something at the root level before there’s even shoots and nurturing it,” said IADC President Jason McFarland. “Often, his projects would then grow into their own and be handed off to other colleagues at IADC. There’s no one better suited for a new kind of initiative, even at the conceptual level just to say, ‘I’d like something like this’, and then let them run with it. That kind of innovation will be missed.”
ULL Petroleum Engineering Students Earn IADC RigPass Certification

On 6 March, eight petroleum engineering drilling students from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette received their IADC RigPass certification at M&A Safety Services in Youngsville, Louisiana. The students completed the eight-hour course and the 100 question exam.
IPIECA Celebrates 45th Anniversary
On 13 March 1974, the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) was established at the request of the United Nations Environment Programme to develop a shared industry response to environmental and social issues. IPIECA remains the global oil and gas industry’s principal channel of engagement with the United Nations. From a handful of founding members, IPIECA’s global membership now stands at 39 companies, operating in 180 countries and employing 1.1 million people. Looking forward, IPIECA will continue to use its unique position within the industry to develop, promote and share good practices with the oil and gas sector, forming new alliances and partnerships to continue advancing environmental and social performance across the industry.
For more information about IPIECA, please visit their website at: http://www.ipieca.org/
IADC Accreditation Department Successfully Passes ISO 9001:2015 Recertification Audit
In February, IADC’s Accreditation Department successfully passed the ISO 9001:2015 recertification audit with zero findings. IADC remains the only well control accrediting body to hold ISO 9001:2015 certification, demonstrating the association’s ability to consistently provide services that meet customer requirements while keeping a focus on quality and integrity. Programs that fall under the ISO certification include RigPass, SafeLand, SafeGulf, WellSharp, WellCAP Plus, DIT, Competence Assurance, Gateway and Crane-Rigger.
The ISO 9001 QMS standard requires that a company identify and describe processes using business metrics, the purpose of which is to better manage and control business processes. The ISO 9001 family addresses various aspects of quality management and contains some of ISO’s best-known standards, which provide guidance and tools for companies and organizations that want to ensure that their products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements. ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to. This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.
For more information, please contact Brooke Polk at Brooke.Polk@iadc.org.
IADC to Launch WellSharp Plus
IADC is preparing to launch WellSharp® Plus, a new accreditation program that fully integrates human factors (i.e., crew resource management) into technical well control training and specifically targets experienced personnel.
The primary goals of this new program are to reduce the potential for human error and to contribute to the competence of personnel during drilling operations.
“Now that WellSharp® has raised the bar for well control training,” explains Mark Denkowski, IADC’s VP of Accreditation Operations, “IADC’s members and accredited training providers are embracing this logical next step to address human factors.”
Throughout 2018, a workgroup comprising course designers, human factors experts, and other stakeholders in the upstream O&G worked together to develop a human factors curriculum, program and course requirements, and a new “train-the-trainer” course for human factors instructors.
A greater focus on human factors has emerged as producers/operators, drilling contractors, and service companies seek to address two lessons learned from past well control incidents: The need for 1) training aimed at specifically addressing human-error and 2) training that focuses on problem-solving during the low-probability, high-impact well control scenarios.
As part of their program-development process, the workgroup reviewed the human factors training and best practices from NASA, the US military, and from the airline, nuclear, and healthcare industries. They also considered ongoing efforts at organizations in the O&G industry, such as IOGP, SPE, API, and OESI. These organizations and others have been working to better understand the human element within the operational context, the causes of human error during drilling operations, and the nontechnical knowledge and skills required for maintaining safe, efficient operations.
Rather than creating an isolated human factors course or training module, course designers recognized the value of creating a new model for content delivery—one that emphasizes the specific contributors to human error in the context of well control by fully integrating the technical and nontechnical content.
IADC’s new human factors curriculum aligns with content developed within other industries and by other O&G organizations, particularly IOGP. Although, in reality, much of the content is interconnected, the topics generally correlate with at least one of the following six categories: situation awareness, decision-making, communication, teamwork, leadership, and factors that affect human performance. This last category comprises the human conditions that affect the other five categories, such as fatigue (e.g., sleep deprivation, illness, shiftwork, time of day), stress (e.g., confusion, multi-tasking, conflict, fear), difficulty managing distractions, and cultural differences.
To maximize learning and knowledge retention, WellSharp® Plus instructors are required to meet additional qualification requirements that include successful completion of “train-the-trainer” coursework involving the following: facilitated learning methods, adult learning principles, strategies that appeal to different learning styles, and strategies for delivering and assessing the human factors content.
Facilitated learning methods have been proven to maximize learning by exploiting the human brain’s natural process of learning through experiences, which involves the learner interacting with the subject and then “debriefing”—reflecting on and drawing conclusions about the subject through a guided discussion. During this process, the instructor is the “guide” rather than the “lecturer.” The instructor observes the activity and discussions and then, as needed, asks open-ended questions to guide the learners. The content of the learning can be delivered in a multitude of ways that rarely involve traditional lecture. Studies show that traditional lecture is the least effective way of learning new content.
The format for a WellSharp® Plus course comprises problem-solving through teamwork in which the participants fulfill the different the roles needed to make up a rig crew: driller, assistance driller, supervisor (toolpusher, company man), and other positions. The course uses case studies and simulation to deliver content and to provide the instructors with an opportunity to observe and assess the human factors and technical skills in order to guide a debriefing session following each case study.
Participants must have taken and passed an “upper-level” WellSharp® course (e.g., Driller- or Supervisor-level) in the previous 2 years and then must meet a higher standard in passing the WellSharp® exam immediately before beginning the course. The fundamentals of well control are an essential prerequisite for WellSharp® Plus because the technical content comprises only the more complex well control scenarios.
“This new course will be an important element in what we are calling our ‘Cycle of Competence,’ in which each member of the rig crew can complete position-specific training, competence assessment at the jobsite during operations, continuous learning between the required courses, and then begin the cycle again all throughout his or her career,” explained Denkowski. “Now, we can set our sights on continuous learning, the next logical step.”
The program is expected to begin accepting applications in April 2019. Companies intending to apply may obtain additional information by emailing accreditation@iadc.org.
WellSharp Surpasses 100K-Trained Milestone
WellSharp®, IADC’s well control training and assessment standard, recently surpassed its 100,000-certified milestone. Launched in March 2015, the WellSharp program now comprises 10 drilling operation and well servicing courses, more than 500 instructors, 160 accredited training providers, about 1,100 test proctors, and is offered in 5 languages in 37 countries.
“As a member of the IADC WellSharp Advisory board, it is exciting news to know IADC reached over 100K-certified in the program,” says Fritz Golding, Director of Learning and Development at Noble Drilling. “This is a great accomplishment for the industry as we strive for safer operations and knowledgeable personnel.”
IADC’s President, Jason McFarland, emphasizes that “IADC WellSharp has provided our industry with robust, well-rounded well control training since it was instituted more than three years ago.”
The WellSharp Plus course represents a new shift in well control training as it integrates specific aspects of crew resource management (CRM) throughout technical training. In addition, IADC and the industry has now embarked on the next step in this well control standard—a new venture to measure baseline knowledge retention, facilitate continuous learning, and reduce knowledge decay between renewal cycles.
The increasingly comprehensive list of courses is intended to encourage companies to send their personnel to the course that is specifically designed for their position on the rig.
With the goal of improving the program’s credibility and effectiveness, IADC committees and workgroups are using a research- and data-driven approach to improving content delivery while continuing to refine course content and testing protocols.
Matt Parizi, Well Control Training Advisor at Chevron, explains that “reaching this milestone is a significant accomplishment towards Well Control competency and fluency in the Drilling and Completion community across the oil and gas industry. This is the true meaning of an industry-driven effort for well control training.”
Golding added that “WellSharp was developed with the help of industry representatives who saw a need to improve curriculum and delivery standards. Today, the IADC WellSharp program is stronger than ever and I look forward to the next milestone as we see industry fundamentals improving.”
“The overwhelming success of this program is directly attributable to the hundreds of hours of work contributed by IADC members and subject matter experts to revamp our approach to well control training,” explains McFarland. “The industry is certainly safer as a result, and I congratulate all of those who have successfully completed the program.”
The Drilling Industry thrives on hard work, toughness, and self-sufficiency, and the transition to WellSharp certainly called upon those qualities. This effort emerged from two goals: to reduce well control incidents and to “self-regulate”. Over several years, hundreds of volunteers contributed their time and expertise–their sweat-equity, their passion for the industry—to make WellSharp a success.
IADC Rig Moving Committee to Meet in Oklahoma City 24-25 April
The IADC Rig Moving Committee has scheduled their next meeting for 24-25 April in Oklahoma City. The group is currently working to revise the rig moving chapter of the IADC Drilling Manual to include information pertaining to 24-hour rig moves.
For more information about the committee, please visit the IADC website.
IADC Advanced Rig Technology Committee Names New Leadership
The IADC Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee recently elected new committee leadership. Robert van Kuilenburg, Noble Drilling was named Chair and Rob Shank, Parker Drilling, was named Vice Chair. Brian Garrett, Rowan Companies was named BOP Controls Subcommittee Chair; Mitch Eichler, Parker Hannifin was named BOP Controls Subcommittee Co-Chair; Nathan Moralez, BP remains Chair of the Drilling Control Systems Subcommittee with Assaad Mohanna, NOV named as Vice Chair.
For more information about the ART Committee, please visit the IADC website.
Abstracts Invited for 26 June IADC DEC Q2 Tech Forum on Drilling Automation
Over the past few years, the drilling industry has achieved significant advances in automation. Which have been the most successful technologies developed, and what do they tell us about where we need to go next? Is the financial value of automating drilling processes fully understood? Should we be targeting more complete autonomy, or is there always going to be a need for human expertise “in the loop”? Increased safety is clearly one of the most important objectives of automation, but are we seeing a favorable impact on keeping our personnel safer? What new technologies are being developed, and are there lessons to be learned from automated applications in other industries? What is the future of automated drilling? What could a drilling operation look like in 2030, and what are the main obstacles on the road to automation? The IADC Drilling Engineers Committee (DEC) Q2 Technology Forum is designed to explore our progress and consider our future.
Abstracts are invited for presentations to address the above questions and challenges at this event, with the theme of “Drilling Automation – Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Be?” Event will be held the morning of Wednesday, 26 June, at Patterson-UTI Energy, 10713 West Sam Houston Pkwy N #800, Houston, TX 77064.
The deadline for abstracts is Friday, 17 May. Click here to submit an abstract.
For more information, contact Linda Hsieh, linda.hsieh@iadc.org
Android App for Mission Petrohouse Rolled Out
IADC’s Drilling Matters initiative to educate the public and dispel myths and misconceptions about our industry hit the ground running in 2019, with the roll out of an Android app for its popular online game Mission Petrohouse.
Mission Petrohouse players steer a retro rocket ship through a home and “zap” everyday products created from petroleum to fill the rocket’s fuel tank. The game tracks the number of items zapped, and provides helpful information about each item.
The new app can be downloaded from Google Play at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iadc.hydrohouse
Drilling Matters is available on line at www.DrillingMatters.org.
For more information about Drilling Matters, contact Amy Rose (amy.rose@iadc.org).
DrillPad Strives to Help Build Well Control Proficiency
IADC’s Useful Resources web page offers a link to materials designed to help build and assure individual and crew well control competency and proficiency anywhere in the world. The DrillPad Deployment Well Control Drill Trainer Training Template and the companion DrillGuide Example are freely available from the www.iadc.org/useful-resources.
“IADC is pleased to offer these DrillPad resources through our website, and believes that this will be a positive step for the industry,” remarked IADC President Jason McFarland. “IADC has long pioneered and worked to develop industry best practice for training in well control, and DrillPad neatly dovetails with our mission of ensuring safe rigs worldwide.”
The PowerPoint file DrillPad Trainer Training is offered to assist trainers in developing an effective program of well control drills. It includes keys to effective drills, critical skill sets, grading criteria, common pitfalls, and more.
The PDF Well Control Drill Guide provides lists of drills, questions, and attributes within DrillPad. The guide is meant to be used in conjunction with rig-specific well control procedures to conduct and assess performance during well control drills. The objective is to ensure that all members of the rig team with well control responsibilities are aware of their specific responsibilities, possess an understanding of well control commensurate with those responsibilities, and can confidently execute their duties when required.
Each well control drill details the drill type, potential participants, exercises, caution guidance, assessment guidance, questions, skills assessed, and more.
IADC ISP Plaques Showcase Company Safety Record
Safety should not be competitive in the drilling industry, but bragging rights always are!
You have worked hard to build an impressive safety record. Your employees pay close attention to ensure that they work safely.
Let your customers know about it. IADC ISP plaques are a stand-out way to ensure the world knows how successful your accident prevention program is.
IADC has two types of ISP plaques available. The Executive Grade: Bronze-tone safety excellence medallion on a red velvet background with gold engraved text on a raised bronze-tone plate. Supreme Grade: Laser engraved text with company name, rig name or number and IADC logo in raised gold lettering. Both plaques include company name, rig name or number with the numbers of years without a Lost time or recordable incident.
IADC acknowledges the rigs in the monthly DrillBits newsletter.
Get extra plaques for the office, rig, and your top employees. Fire those guys up with a well-deserved pat on the back.
IADC ISP plaques are only available to companies participating in the IADC ISP program, the industry’s definitive safety statistics program since 1961.
For more information on ordering plaque please contact Loretta Krolczyk at loretta.krolczyk@iadc.org.
To participate in ISP, please email isp@iadc.org
IADC Lexicon Featured Term for April 2019
The IADC Lexicon (IADCLexicon.org) is a compendium of upstream-related terms, which, unlike conventional glossaries, are official definitions drawn from legislation, regulation and regulatory guidance, standards (global, national and regional), and IADC guidelines. Terms often have multiple definitions from different sources.
This month’s Featured Term is:
“Remote Operation” (Source: Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response on Offshore Installations, Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995, Approved Code of Practice and guidance (UK HSE L65), Second Edition, 1997.) :
Remote operation in the context of this regulation refers to plant to control the hazard which is operated away from the immediate hazard.
(click the link to read the full definition on the IADC Lexicon.)
Accreditation Updates
Upcoming Events
Rigs Receive ISP Certificates
For certificates received since last LTI (in years):
New IADC Members
IADC welcomes 17 new members:
DRILLBITS Volume 29, Number 4
Kevin Neveu, Chairman • Jason McFarland, President • Amy Rose, Editor
All listed phone extensions are for IADC’s Houston headquarters,
+1/713-292-1945. Fax +1/713-292-1946.
Send comments/questions to Amy Rose at amy.rose@iadc.org.
To subscribe to Drill Bits, go to www.iadc.org/drillbits.
To change/cancel a Drill Bits subscription, send an e-mail message to
IADC Director – Membership Sharon Thorpe at sharon.thorpe@iadc.org.