Safety Alerts Archive

Alert 05 – 20 Master Bushings set on IP’s Toe – LTI

Alert 05 – 19 Worker Gets Hit in the Eye by a Piece of Steel

Alert 05 – 18 Inadvertent Unlatching of Wellhead Connector

Alert 05 – 17 Near Miss – Elevator Failure

Alert 05 – 16 Modified Equipment – Battery Leads

Alert 05 – 15 Improper Use of Iron Roughneck Type Equipment Results in Damage

Alert 05 – 14 Material Handling (Drill Pipe) Results in an LTI

Alert 05 – 13 Unguarded Engine Fan Results in an Injury

Alert 05 – 12 Derrick Diving Board Fell to Rig Floor

Alert 05 – 11 Fall/Open Hole, LTI Incident

Alert 05 – 10 Battery Explodes While Being Jump Started

Alert 05 – 09 Improper Rigging Results in Fatality

Alert 05 – 08 LTA – Floorman Struck by Snub Line

Alert 05 – 07 Unsafe Hoisting & Rigging Practice

Alert 05 – 06 Safety Hook Failure – Chemical Corrosion

Alert 05 – 05 Battery Charging, Ventilation, and Storage

Alert 05 – 04 Fall From Monkey Board Results in a Fatality

Alert 05 – 03 Improper Tool Selection Results in Injury

Alert 05 – 02 Dropped Object – Employee Struck by Sling

Alert 05 – 01 Personnel Hoisting Incident Results in a Fatality

Alert 04 – 51 Vehicle Incident Results in Two Fatalities

Alert 04 – 50 Stabbing Board Fall to Rig Floor Results in Fatality and Serious Injury

Alert 04 – 49 Dropped 18 5/8″ Casing Near Miss Incident

Alert 04 – 48 Lack of Stairway Lighting Results in Fall

Alert 04 – 47 Improper Rigging Results in a Fatality