Eyes Are Everything

Every working day—on company time—thousands of industrial employees play “Industrial Roulette” … and about 1000 of them lose. The only equipment needed for this treacherous form of gambling is a jaunty “It can’t happen to me” attitude and a complete disregard for facts and the law of averages.

“Industrial Roulette” is a con game with ground rules requiring someone to guess which employee might get hit in the eye. The 1,000 losers are the workers who suffer eye injuries every day as careless, unprotected workers turn the wheel of chance.

More than 90 percent of these eye injuries are needless and could be prevented with basic safety eyewear.  That is of course, if the safety eyewear is worn over the eyes rather than on the forehead, around the neck, or dangling from a pocket.

Worn-Out Beefs

No doubt you’ve heard your share of beefing about the horrors of wearing eye protection. Well, don’t get the feeling that it’s just you against the world.  The complaints can be heard from coast to coast.  Roughly, this perpetual parade of complaints boils down to four main categories:

“Safety glasses are too heavy.”

“Safety glasses will ruin my eyes.”

”Street glasses are almost as good as safety glasses.”

“Safety glasses are needed for only certain jobs.”

“Safety glasses are too heavy.” Actual tests prove that many safety glasses weigh less than a necktie.  If the stamina of the average industrial employee is so low that he can’t bear up under the weight of a necktie, then the industry is in bad shape.

“Safety glasses will ruin my eyes.”  Safety lenses are made of optical quality glass or plastic.  Whoever ruined his eyes looking through house windows or auto windshields? These items are not of optical quality.  Further, medical experts on the subject agree that there is no valid scientific evidence whatsoever to support the allegation that wearing safety eyewear will produce eye deterioration.  These same experts agree that substandard or improperly fitted lenses may cause annoyance and some discomfort—but not disease.

“Street glasses are almost as good as safety glasses.” When regular street glasses will withstand the impact of a 7/8” diameter steel ball dropped freely from a height of 50 inches, and the frames are not flammable, and all other ASA requirements are met, then, and only then, can ordinary specs be used in industry. Street glasses are not as good as safety glasses—and should not be allowed.

The complaint that “Safety glasses are needed for only certain jobs,” can be answered by the men best qualified to comment on this classic misstatement: the workmen who played “Industrial Roulette”—and lost one or both eyes.