Alert 07 – 11 Serious Injury Results from Fall from Ladder


The injured person (IP) was involved in a maintenance campaign on light fittings. While reinstalling a light fitting the IP fell from a ladder to the ground. The IP had climbed up the extension ladder to collect a screwdriver he left on a beam above the safety shower light fitting. While he was at the beam he noticed two other tools (shifting spanner, etc.). He decided to carry these down to his tool bag on the ground. He then commenced descending the ladder with the screwdriver in one hand and the other tools in his other hand using only his fingertips on the ladder. While descending the ladder, he lost his balance when his foot slipped from the ladder rung. He was unable to maintain a grip on the ladder and fell backwards. The IP landed on his buttocks and then continued falling backwards hitting his head. He was knocked unconscious. IP suffered fractures to 4 vertebrae in his lower back.

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