Safety Alerts Archive

Alert 00 – 13 Lost Time Incident – Broken Finger

Alert 00 – 12 Pipe Racking System (PRS) Maintenance Incident

Alert 00 – 11 Casing Stabbing Basket Incidents

Alert 00 – 10 Worker Killed by Wireline Spool Unit

Alert 00 – 09 Ground/Bonding Wire

Alert 00 – 08 Microwave Oven Safety

Alert 00 – 07 Rig Damaged by Drill Collar Release from Fingerboard

Alert 00 – 06 Proper Use of Cotter Pins

Alert 00 – 05 Battery Pack Falls From Light Fixture in Derrick

Alert 00 – 04 Wrong Load Causes Crane Collapse

Alert 00 – 03 Multiple Rotary Hose Failures – Hose Separation From Steel End Couplers

Alert 00 – 02 Uncontrolled Release of Anchor Chain While Moored on Location

Alert 00 – 01 Spider Bite

Alert 99 – 38 Pressure Trapped in Sub Sea BOP Stack DDV Solenoid Housing

Alert 99 – 37 Casing Tong Support Spring Failure

Alert 99 – 36 Traveling Block/Power Swivel Collision with Stand of Pipe

Alert 99 – 35 SCBA Facepiece Safety Notice

Alert 99 – 34 Gardner Denver Safety Notice

Alert 99 – 33 More on Mismatched Hammer Unions

Alert 99 – 32 Top Drive Swivel Stem Parted

Alert 99 – 31 High Pressure Release of Trapped Nitrogen

Alert 99 – 30 Marine Riser Buoyancy

Alert 99 – 29 Crane Operations Incident

Alert 99 – 28 Hydraulic Telescoping Cylinder Failure

Alert 99 – 27 Pressurized Cargo Hose Near Miss Incidents