Checklist: Hazardous Materials

For all but two of these questions, a “no” answer indicates corrective action needs to be taken. The two exceptions are indicated below.

Note: This checklist is not meant to be all-inclusive and is not intended as a substitute for a comprehensive safety and health program.

Flammable and Combustible Materials

  1. Are combustible scrap, debris and waste materials (oily rags, etc.) stored in covered receptacles and removed from the worksite on a routine basis?
  2. Are regulation containers and tanks used for the storage of gasoline?
  3. Are bulk drums of flammable liquids grounded and bonded to containers during dispensing?
  4. Are flammable and combustible materials stored away from sources of ignition such as welders and heaters?
  5. Are “No Smoking” signs posted on liquefied petroleum gas tanks and bulk oxygen tanks?
  6. Are “No Smoking” signs posted where appropriate in areas where flammable or combustible materials are used or stored, and are “No Smoking” rules enforced in areas involving storage and use of hazardous materials?
  7. Are petroleum storage tanks guarded to prevent damage from vehicles?
  8. Are all solvent wastes and flammable liquids kept in fire-resistant, covered containers until they are removed from the worksite?
  9. Are fuel gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders separated by a distance of 20 feet or by 5-foot-high, fire-resistant barriers rated at 1/2 hour, while in storage?
  10. Are all spills of flammable or combustible liquids cleaned up promptly?
  11. Are safety cans used for dispensing flammable or combustible liquids?

Hazardous Materials

Choose the most hazardous chemical an employee is exposed to and talk with the worker to determine if he or she is aware of the potential hazards involved with the product.

  1. Are all employees wearing personal protective clothing and equipment when handling chemicals (gloves, eye protection and respirators) and is the equipment maintained?
  2. Are flammable or toxic chemicals kept in closed containers when not in use?

For the following two questions, a “yes” answer indicates a need to take action:

  1. Do employees complain about dizziness, headaches, nausea, irritation or other factors of discomfort when they use solvents or other chemicals?
  2. Do employees complain about dryness, irritation or sensitization of the skin (evidence of a dermatitis problem)?


  1. Do employees avoid fueling internal combustion engines with a flammable liquid while the engine is running, thereby preventing employee exposure to the hazard of explosions?
  2. Are fueling operations being done in such a manner that the likelihood of spillage will be minimal?
  3. Are fueling hoses on site for use designed to handle the specific type of fuel?
  4. Do employees with open lights, open flames, sparking or arching equipment stay at a safe distance from fueling or transfer of fuel operations, thereby preventing the hazard of explosions?
  5. Is smoking prohibited in the vicinity of fueling operations?