Oil Spill Commission Report – BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling

Please be advised you are about to be redirected to a portion of the IADC website which was originally developed by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, or Oil Spill Commission (OSC). IADC has agreed to archive some of the contents of the original site as a public service at the request of the Oil Spill Commission Action project (OSCA)*. IADC has no involvement with the National Commission or OSCA, nor was it involved with or is it responsible for any content included on the OSC website.


*The members of the Oil Spill Commission established the Oil Spill Commission Action project (OSCA) in order to stimulate the adoption of the Oil Spill Commission’s recommendations aimed at transforming America into the global leader for safe and effective offshore drilling operations.