IADC ART DCS Subcommittee Meeting

Date:  22 March 2018

Time:  9 am – 11 am

Venue: IADC

10370 Richmond Ave, Suite 760
Houston, TX  77042

Contact: Holly Shock

Phone: 1-713-292-1945
Email:  holly.shock@iadc.org


  1. Welcome and introductions – Nathan Moralez, Chairman

  1. Facility information & IADC antitrust policy – Mike Killalea, IADC

  1. Review of IADC DDR Plus/ Sensor mapping project – Nathan Moralez

–Introduction of John de Wardt as Project Advisor. John de Wardt has a long history of leadership and innovation in the drilling industry. John’s career encompasses experience as an operator, contractor, service company, and successful independent management consultant. For DDR Plus, John’s role will be to support the leadership of the ART DCS Committee to drive the project forward to a successful conclusion later this year. www.dewardt.com

–Articulate purpose and end goal of DDR Plus. RVK white paper

–Review of Stage Gates, update on volunteer efforts, and future planning. Develop draft high-level activity schedule whole project with lower level activities detailed near term.

–Summary below:

–Stage Gate 1 (SG1): DDR Content and Format, to cover:

–Rig states needed to enhance existing IADC DDR
–Messrs Mohama and Van Kuillenberg were assigned to this group.

–Stage Gate 2 (SG2): Rig Sensor Mapping to States

–State automation identification
–State performance
–Messrs Moralez and Espinoza

— Stage Gate 3 (SG3): Rig Sensor Stewardship

–Specification: Sensor signal requirements, framework
–Messrs Martin and Ahmed

  1. Other business.

  1. Adjourn.

Browse the ART Committee website